American Educator Author Index
Listed by author's last name. Articles not posted online are available. To request a copy, please send an e-mail to
Abbott, Martha G.
- Summer 2018- Beyond a Bridge to Understanding
Adair, Alexandra
- Winter 2018-2019- Increasing Science Literacy in Early Childhood
Adams, Jason
- Spring 2024- An Insider's Look at Healthcare Careers
Adams, Marilyn Jager
- Spring Summer 1998- The Elusive Phoneme
- Winter 2010-2011- Advancing Our Students' Language and Literacy
- Spring 2001- A Tribute to Jeanne Chall
Adelman, Clifford
- Winter 1999-2000- The SAT Trap
AFT Teacher and School Staff Shortage Task Force
- Winter 2022-2023- The Teachers Our Students Need
- Fall 2022- Climate, Culture, Conditions, and Compensation
Agarwal, Pooja K.
- Spring 2020- Powerful Interleaving Strategies
- Spring 2020- Interleaving in Math
Agostinelli, Anne
- Spring 2020- Powerful Interleaving Strategies
- Spring 2020- Interleaving in Math
Aharoni, Ron
- Fall 2005- What I Learned in Elementary School
Ahn, Janet N.
- Spring 2017- Stories of Struggle
Albrecht, Christopher
- Spring 2022- Why My Educator Joy Is Thriving
Allen, Danielle
- Summer 2018- The Need for Civics Education
Allen, LaRue
- Summer 2004- Bridging the Gap between Poor and Privileged
Almontaser, Debbie
- Fall 2019- Responding to Anti-Muslim Bias
Alvarado, Anthony
- Winter 1998- Professional Development Is the Job
Anderson, Janet
- Fall 2018- When Educators Lead the Way
Anderson-Loy, Lynne
- Winter 2015-2016- The Professional Educator: Why Teaching Is Not an Exact Science
Anrig, Greg
- Winter 2013-2014- Community Building in Cincinnati
- Winter 2013-2014- Cultivating Collaboration
Archer, Jeff
- Fall 2017- The Power of a Trained Eye
Argeropoulos, Peter
- Summer 2024- Change, Challenge, and Creating Safe Learning Spaces
Armstrong, William H.
- Winter 1997-1998- Learning to Listen
Arrastía-Chisholm, Meagan C.
- Spring 2021- In College, But Not Always Earning College Credit
Arumi, Ana Maria
- Fall 2006- Balancing the Educational Agenda
Asch, Chris Myers
Ashbrook, Peggy
- Fall 2017- Where's Spot?
Ashley, Dana M.
- Winter 2015-2016- It’s About Relationships
Ashman, Greg
- Summer 2019- Oral Language Competence
Askey, Richard
- Fall 1999- Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics
Astor, Ron Avi
- Spring 2023- Reimagining School Safety
August, Diane
- Fall 2023- Learning to Read and Write in Two—or More—Languages
- Fall 2023- Learning to Read and Write in Two—or More—Languages
- Fall 2023- Aprender a leer y escribir en dos o más idiomas
- Fall 2023- Aprender a leer y escribir en dos o más idiomas
- Fall 2018- Educating English Language Learners
Augustine, Catherine H.
- Spring 2018- Effective Summer Programming
Ayers, Rick
- Winter 2004-2005- Agamemnon for At-Risk Teens
Bain, Robert B.
Baker, Bruce D.
- Spring 2023- Incentivizing Equity
- Spring 2016- The Question of Money and Education
Ball, Deborah
- Fall 2005- Knowing Mathematics for Teaching
Ball, Deborah Loewenberg
- Summer 1992- Magical Hopes
- Summer 2011- Building a Common Core for Learning to Teach
Banner, James M.
- Winter 1997-1998- Teachers: Missionaries for Learning
Barber, Rev. Dr. William J. Barber
- Fall 2021- Moral Policy = Good Economics
Barlowe, Avram
- Spring 2016- Putting the Focus on Student Engagement
Barnes, Shailly Gupta
- Fall 2021- Moral Policy = Good Economics
Barnett, W. Steven
- Spring 2010- The Promise of Preschool
Barthelus, Bloodine
- Summer 2021- Transformative Social and Emotional Learning
Barton, Craig
- Summer 2018- On Formative Assessment in Math
Barton, Paul E.
- Summer 1999- Tests, Tests, Tests
Barzun, Jacques
- Fall 2002- Curing Provincialism
Bass, Hyman
- Fall 2005- Knowing Mathematics for Teaching
Beach, Richard
- Winter 2019-2020- Teaching a Short Story (or Stories) about the Climate Crisis
- Winter 2019-2020- Climate Change in the Classroom
Bear, Rachel
- Spring 2018- For the Sake of Argument
Beck, Isabel L.
- Spring Summer 1998- Getting at the Meaning
- Spring 2003- Taking Delight in Words
- Spring 2003- Teacher Responses That Further Build Word Knowledge
Becker, Kelly Iwanaga
- Fall 2011- The Early College Challenge
Beeler, Terri
- Spring Summer 1998- The Elusive Phoneme
Beilock, Sian L.
Bennett, Tom
- Spring 2015- Group Work for the Good
Bennett-Armistead, V. Susan
- Spring 2003- Filling the Great Void
Benson, Lee
- Summer 2009- The Enduring Appeal of Community Schools
Berkman, Michael
- Summer 2012- An Evolving Controversy
Berlinski, David
- Fall 2002- Inventing Numbers
Berns, Walter
- Spring 2002- Mystic Chords of Memory
Berry, Barnett
- Summer 2016- Leadership for Teaching and Learning
- Fall 2001- Steady Work
Bérubé, Michael
- Fall 2024- The Imperiled Right to Learn
- Summer 2024- The Imperiled Right to Learn
Bettmann, Otto
- Summer 2000- Summertime...and Reading Beckons
Biemiller, Andrew
- Spring 2001- Teaching Vocabulary
- Spring 2003- Oral Comprehension Sets the Ceiling on Reading Comprehension
Bigelow, Kimberly
- Fall 2023- Supporting Students Who Use African American English
- Winter 2022-2023- Lift Every Voice
Bingham, Gary E.
- Winter 2021-2022- Sharing Their Ideas with the World
Bivens, Josh
- Fall 2021- Moral Policy = Good Economics
Blaha, Julie
- Fall 2024- “Every Step Has Value”
Blank, Martin J.
- Fall 2015- Where It All Comes Together
Blank, Marty
- Summer 2009- A Coordinated Effort
Blevins, Wiley
- Spring 2001- A Tribute to Jeanne Chall
Boaler, Jo
- Winter 2018-2019- Developing Mathematical Mindsets
Bollag, Burton
- Winter 2001- A Confrontation with the Past
- Winter 1999-2000- Romani Children Go to School
- Spring 1999- In the Shadow of Auschwitz
Bonds, Mahauganee Shaw
- Fall 2020- Preparing for Racial Unrest on Campus
Boone, Monique
- Summer 2022- Revitalizing the Teaching Profession
Bornfreund, Laura
- Spring 2010- What Does—and What Should—P21 Advocate?
Bottum, J.
- Fall 1997- What Children's Poetry Is For
Boyd, Ashley S.
- Spring 2021- Teaching for Social Justice
Boyd-Zaharias, Jayne
- Summer 1999- Project STAR
Boyle, James
- Summer 2022- Experiences from Three B2S Campaign Sites
- Summer 2022- Back to School for All