American Educator Author Index

Listed by author's last name. Articles not posted online are available. To request a copy, please send an e-mail to


Markuske, Robert

Marsh, Valerie L.

Martel, Erich

Mascio, Bryan

Maughan, Erin D.

McCabe, Donald

McClure, Elisabeth

McCombs, Jennifer

McCray, Erica D.

McDougall, Walter A.

McEachin, Andrew

McGhee, Heather

McKeown, Margaret G.

McKittrick, Kerry

McKnight, Curtis C.

McNeill, William H.

Mediratta, Kavitha

Mehta, Jal

Mendel, Richard A.

Mesmer, Heidi Anne E.

Meyerson, Harold

Michaels, David

Michie, Greg

Michlewitz, Debra

Miller, Julie A.

Minnici, Angela

Mirel, Jeffrey

Molotsky, Irvin

Moye, Leslie

Muir, Edward

Muirhead, Russell

Munson, Lynne

Murphy, Brett Gardiner

Murphy, Dan

Murray, Dr. Robert

Murray, Maria

Muske-Dukes, Carol

Myers, Perla


Nash, Gary B.

Neill, Nancy Rae

Nelson, F. Howard

Nevarez, Nancy

Newcombe, Nora S.

Newell, Waller R.

Nicola, Tara P.

Nisbett, Richard E.

Nnoka, Barbara Grant

Nodine, Thad R.