American Educator Author Index

Listed by author's last name. Articles not posted online are available. To request a copy, please send an e-mail to


Ferris, Timothy

Ferroni, Nicholas

Fink, Dale Borman

Finnigan, Kara S.

Fischer, Stephanie

Fiske, Edward B.

Fitzhugh, Will

Florey, Kitty Burns

Foorman, Barbara R.

Forzani, Francesca M.

Foster, Lindsey

Fought, Eric S.

Fox, Tom

Franczyk, Liz

Frede, Ellen

Freeberg, Ernest

Freeman, Joanna

Freeman, Sydney

Friedrich, Linda


Gagnon, Paul

Gallimore, Ronald

Garbarino, James

Garibay, Montserrat

Gándara, Patricia

Gerde, Hope K.

Gibbon, Peter H.

Givan, Rebecca Kolins

Glidden, Heidi


Goins, Catherine M.

Goldstein, Dana

Goldstein, Jennifer

Golinkoff, Roberta Michnick

González, Eluciano Vega

Gordon, Leo

Gorn, Cathy

Gosse, Carolyn

Gourevitch, Philip

Graham, Bob

Graham, Steve

Grandin, Temple

Green, James

Greene, Jane Fell

Gregory, Lynn W.

Griffin, Darion

Griliches, Diane

Gross, Paul R.

Grossen, Bonnie

Guernsey, Lisa

Guha, Roneeta


Haase, Richard

Hall, Stephanie