American Educator Author Index

Listed by author's last name. Articles not posted online are available. To request a copy, please send an e-mail to


Breiseth, Lydia

Bresler, Ken

Bridges, Khiara M.

Brix, Michael

Brown, Catherine

Brown, John Seely

Brown, Marjorie

Brown, Willard

Brownell, Mary T.

Bryant, Erika

Buenfil, Keren

Burke, Jim

Burroughs, Nathan A.

Bushweller, Kevin

Butler, Kelly


Cabell, Sonia Q.

Calarco, Jessica

Callahan, Rebecca M.

Campbell, Patricia Shehan

Canada, Geoffrey

Cannon, Harold C.

Cantor, Pamela

Capsello, Nicole

Carrecker, Suzanne

Catts, Hugh W.

Charity Hudley, Anne H.

Chatelain, Marcia

Chatham-Stephens, Kevin M.

Chen, Jondou

Chin, Tiffani

Chizzonite, David

Christodoulou, Daisy

Cicarella, David

Ciullo, Stephen

Clark, Richard E.

Clements, Abbey

Clements, Douglas

Cogan, Leland S.

Cohen, Anthony

Cohen, David K.

Cohen, Leland

Cohen, Rachel M.

Cole, Cheryl

Cole, John

Coleman, Arthur L.

Coleman, LeShawna

Colglazier, Will

Collaborative, the Vermont Writing

Colletta, Laura Hecht

Collier, Daniel A.

Collins, Allan

Cook, John

Cortese, Antonia

Cowan, Louise

Crawley, Kayla

Crespo, Andrew Manuel

Croninger, Robert G.

Cunningham, Anne E.

Cushman, Kathleen

Custodio, Brenda


Daly, Alan J.