State of the Union


State of the Union 2022-24

Our union has never been stronger, and a revival of labor activism is sweeping the nation. Wages are up, inflation has cooled, the Biden-Harris administration has created more jobs than any other in history, and America’s economy is the strongest in the world— powered by America’s workers.


A deep level of fear, anxiety and even despair has taken hold across our country, driven by lightning- fast technological changes, loneliness, shifting demographics, disinformation and a pervasive feeling that the American dream is slipping further and further out of reach.

Billionaires and demagogues are capitalizing on this fear to stoke division, defund public education and public services, decimate healthcare and dismantle our democracy—all to cement their power.

But we’re still standing. In fact, we’re thriving.

The AFT had 1.4 million members in 2008. Today, the AFT is 1.8 million members strong!