Family engagement

A cornerstone of the community schools strategy is active family and community involvement. The strategy on the whole is designed to open the door to just this sort of interaction, but there are specific programs, such as the one below, aimed at building this connection.

The Parent/Teacher Home Visit Project

One of many examples of family engagement is a strategy that union members are taking part in: The Parent/Teacher Home Visit Project. This voluntary project is jointly governed by union, district and community members. Another great example of solution-driven unionism, results from this program show that home visits lead to increased parent involvement, reduced disciplinary problems, improved attendance and increased student achievement. Additionally, the visits have led to trusting, respectful relationships between parents and teachers, creating the foundation for understanding and cooperation between home and school that is crucial to every student’s success. If this is an area you are interested in, reach out to your union leaders and share this link.

View our resources on family engagement