Professional Development in Other Areas

Other organizations in the after-school arena have devised training in some of the previously mentioned areas. Research-based training is also available in some areas through the AFT Educational Research and Dissemination program.

Citizen SchoolsThis project taps into the community and what they can contribute to schools to provide engaging experiences for students. Citizens who are passionate about their work share their enthusiasm as they help students complete projects in the guest teacher’s area of expertise in partnership with after-school staff. Their citizen volunteers are taught to use an apprenticeship model of learning. Research has classified the steps of cognitive apprenticeship as modeling, scaffolding and fading the supports, with coaching occurring throughout the process. Check out Citizen Schools resources on how after-school can be exciting for students and instrumental in increasing their learning. Their training on relationship building with students is also worth looking at. 

Using the Internet for LearningThe Southeastern Development Labs (SEDL) Virtual Academy for Afterschool uses the Internet to engage student learning. 

Youth development principles and/or training—For those working with middle and high school youth, principles and training can be accessed through the After School Alliance and the Youth Development Institute.

AFT Educational Research and Dissemination ProgramCourses are available in districts with the AFT Educational Research and Dissemination Program covering the following topics:

  • Organizing an effective learning environment
  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Managing anti-social behavior
  • Home-school connection
  • Instructional strategies
  • Cooperative small groups
  • Social context of the classroom