AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, childhood obesity affects nearly one in three children; and

WHEREAS, children learn best and are in better health when they are fed well-balanced, nutritious, healthy meals; and

WHEREAS, unfortunately, many students often rely on school nutrition programs for their only balanced meal(s) of the day; and

WHEREAS, privatization, increased use of frozen bulk foods and other schemes to cut costs and quality have changed the traditional role of school nutrition workers from cooking and preparing nutritious meals to one of using microwaves to re-heat poor quality frozen food; and

WHEREAS, there are many strategies that can be put in place to serve healthy food at less expense such as, buying locally grown foods bought in season and without a middleman and preparing the food on site in schools; and

WHEREAS, poor quality foods that do not appeal to students cause an increase in food waste, taking away resources and money from other food service and educational programs; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers agrees with Michelle Obama and supports her efforts to combat childhood obesity by supporting healthier choices, healthier schools, physical activity and accessible and affordable food:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers continue to advocate for the nation's school nutrition programs to be overseen by a licensed dietician, staffed with a food service manager and trained food service workers preparing the food; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT oppose privatization of the school nutrition program and oppose the use of poor quality food and meals; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT work with partners and in coalition to insure that the School Nutrition Act is fully funded and provides incentives for schools to provide the highest quality of locally grown, farm fresh, nutritionally rich foods to be cooked on site where possible, as well as educating the children in making good food choices.
