AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the WEP and GPO affect the standard of living for more than 2 million retired public employees; and

WHEREAS, teachers in 15 states have been, are being, and will be affected; and

WHEREAS, more than 6 million current in-service employees will be affected upon retirement; and

WHEREAS, the earned benefits are being significantly reduced or eliminated for affected retirees; and

WHEREAS, there was no requirement from the enactment of the WEP/GPO in 1983 until 2005 for employers to inform employees or prospective employees that their employment would not include participation in the Social Security system, thereby making them subject to the WEP and GPO; and

WHEREAS, the vast majority of current in-service public employees who will be affected by the provisions are unaware of the penalties they and/or their spouses will incur upon eligibility for any Social Security benefits they have earned from other employment; and

WHEREAS, there have been unsuccessful legislative attempts in recent years to address the unfairness propagated by these provisions; and

WHEREAS, only a full repeal of the provisions can fully address that unfairness going forward:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers will undertake efforts to make its members, both retired and currently in service, aware of the substantial and negative effects of the WEP and GPO; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will support legislative efforts to fully repeal the WEP and GPO.
