Press Release

Union Leaders Hail White House-Micron Announcement to Unleash $125 Billion Investment in U.S.-Made Microchips, Good Union Jobs

For Release:


Andrew Crook
o: 202-393-8637 | c: 607-280-6603

Biden Administration Invests in America, Protects Organizing and Prepares Students for the High-Tech Careers of Tomorrow


SYRACUSE, N.Y.—AFT President Randi Weingarten, New York State United Teachers President Melinda Person and United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew responded after President Biden announced a massive, multibillion-dollar direct investment under the CHIPS and Science Act to build two fabrication plants in Clay, N.Y., and Boise, Idaho, that will create over 70,000 jobs. The plants include strong workforce and organizing protections and build on the unions’ microchip curriculum partnership unveiled in December.

“Today, in Syracuse, America’s union-made manufacturing renaissance became real—and that starts with workforce development, beginning in high school,” said AFT President Randi Weingarten. “This is a trailblazing partnership between government, business and labor that invests in America. It helps build a vibrant, equitable economy, ignites aspiration and gives hope to workers and communities who need it.

“These microchips will drive technological advances for decades to come. The megafabs in Clay and Boise are shining examples of how good jobs with good benefits go hand in hand with innovation. They’re living proof we can build skills pipelines to prepare students for new careers, a real solution to improve the lives of millions of Americans. I was honored to stand with our partners today to champion and celebrate our progress.”

As part of the agreement, Micron has affirmed that it respects workers’ labor rights and will convene unions and CHIPS companies in an equal dialogue. Both the Clay and Boise sites will be governed by project labor agreements.

“Crucially, this partnership also protects workers’ right to organize,” Weingarten added. “And I am proud of the direct role unions—including the AFT, NYSUT and the UFT—are playing, working with Micron, Sen. Chuck Schumer, Gov. Kathy Hochul and the state of New York, to develop a curriculum framework that will be used throughout the semiconductor industry to engage and train students, starting in 10 pilot school districts next September.” 

The AFT is also working with the AFL-CIO, Micron and other labor and employer organizations to develop, scale and adopt an additional universal pathway curriculum for advanced manufacturing, including semiconductor manufacturing.

“As the nation’s workforce needs evolve, our educators are emphasizing exciting career and technical education programs that allow students to develop real-world skills,” said NYSUT President Melinda Person. “Hands-on, experiential opportunities like what Micron is providing empower and encourage students; provide an on-ramp to well-paying, sustainable careers; and help our educators create a pipeline of skilled workers who are driving New York’s economy forward. We are thrilled that Micron and the Biden administration are collaborating with our entire union family to make these investments successful.”

UFT President Michael Mulgrew said: “First and foremost, we appreciate the hard work of all the teachers who helped develop the framework for chip manufacturing for New York state high school students. We would like to thank the governor for her leadership on making sure that there are more career and technical education opportunities. This is a very exciting time for our students.”

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The AFT represents 1.8 million pre-K through 12th-grade teachers; paraprofessionals and other school-related personnel; higher education faculty and professional staff; federal, state and local government employees; nurses and healthcare workers; and early childhood educators.