Want to form a union on your campus?

The AFT is the home of more than 300,000 faculty and staff united in the fight for higher education and the public good. We are the largest, fastest-growing higher education union.

We are tenured and nontenure-track professors, endowed chairs, part-time faculty, graduate workers, researchers, office staff and academic professionals who know that democracy hinges on preserving the highest standards of teaching and research, expanding equitable access to colleges and universities, and ensuring academia is a viable career option.

What We’ve Achieved

Through our model of solutions-driven unionism, we fight for the public good when we negotiate a collective bargaining agreement. We stand up for intellectual freedom and access to knowledge when we push back against policies and legislation that gag and control what we can teach our students. And we stand up for affordable higher education so that our students and communities can thrive by lobbying at the state and federal levels for increased funding for higher education.

The AFT has won:

  • 15-20 percent salary raises in first contracts for adjunct faculty, significantly raising per course/credit bases.
  • Clear and fair reappointment processes for nontenure-track faculty (both full-time and part-time) and multiyear appointments.
  • Employer-provided health insurance for adjunct faculty.
  • Protections and expansion of shared governance and faculty handbook policies.
  • Presumptive reappointment for nontenure-track faculty after several years of service.
  • Living-wage assistantships for the more than 30,000 graduate employees unionized with the AFT.

That’s the power of the largest, fastest-growing voice protecting higher education.

Stand up for our students, our institutions, our work and our communities. Join 300,000-plus colleagues who have already come together with the AFT.

Ready to form a union on your campus? Contact highereddept@aft.org today.