Every Student Succeeds Act: Action items

1. Visit www.aft.org/ESSA

We’ve posted a number of materials there. Take some time to go through those materials and learn more about the law. For those of you who were around when NCLB became law, remember that there will be a lot of fact and fiction about this new law circulating in the field. We are providing you with information that will ensure you are armed with the facts.

2. Twitter hashtag campaign: #ESSAfacts

Include this hash tag when tweeting to voice your concerns about what’s bubbling up at the local level or when you are correcting misinformation. It’s a great way for engaged AFT members to become a rapid-response “truth squad” on this keystone law.

3. If you have any questions, email them to ESSAFacts@AFT.org and we’ll get you the answers you need.

4. If you would like to get more actively involved in this work to realize the opportunities of ESSA in your state, send a message to ESSAFacts@AFT.org and to your local union leader.

5. Review Education Department guidance, particularly items dated  Jan. 28 and Dec. 18. Check with your state to determine if there will be an ESSA implementation committee made up of stakeholders tasked with making changes to your state’s accountability system, and participate in that committee or in its public meetings.

Above all, realize how the work you’ve done so far has truly reshaped history. Done right, seizing every opportunity the law allows, ESSA can truly help kids do their best and usher in an era of joy in teaching and learning.