Careers at AFT

Available positions at AFT headquarters

Administrative staff

National Representative
Organization and Field Services

Senior Associate


Support staff

Executive Administrative Assistant
Office of the Secretary-Treasurer

Travel Agent
Convention, Meetings and Travel





Internships - Winter/Fall 2024

Coming soon




You can find and apply for all of our AFT national job postings at AFT Careers: Glassdoor and AFT Careers: Indeed.


Available positions at AFT State and Local Affiliates

AFT Affiliate

Membership and Benefits Coordinator, WTU

Field Representative, WTU

Executive Director, AAUP, Washington, DC

Internal Labor Representative - ONA

Administrative Operations Manager, AFT-Oregon

Finance Operations Specialist, AFT-Oregon

Organizing Director, OFNHP

External Organizer, OFNHP

Internal Organizer, OFNHP

Organizer/Staff Representative, AFT MD