Super Heroes for Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Legislator Superheroes
It’s time to reclaim the promise of early childhood education and care to guarantee every child and family has access to affordable, high-quality early childhood programs—from birth to kindergarten.

But who can help us?

Who can help give parents and families the sense of security they need, knowing that when they go to work, their children are in a safe, nurturing and educational environment with trained adults they can trust?

It’s the Super Legislator League!

Defining remedies! Fighting disparities! Their powers have no limits!

The leaders of the league, Captain Harkin, Marvelous Miller and Heroic Hanna, are using their superpowers of super strength, super speed and super common senses to achieve the needed investments for programs serving infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

We must find more superheroes to help them, and we need your help!

Download resources on early childhood education and why we need superheroes:

Take Action!

Ask your Members of Congress to join the Super Legislator League!