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Member Engagement Materials

Materials for data tracking

Last August, the AFT Executive Council passed a resolution committing all levels of our union to doubling the number of member activists to 10 percent, tripling the number of members who engage in any union activities to 70 percent, and—in this our 100th year— reaching out and speaking to 100% of our members.

Achieving these goals will require much greater focus on tracking member and potential member participation in union events and actions, as well as our conversations with them.

AFT has developed two tools that affiliates can use to help simplify the process of tracking member engagement.

Mobile Toolkit for Worksite Leaders

AFT’s Mobile Toolkit for Worksite Leaders can be used to provide building representatives and other identified activists with appropriate-level access to selected data on members and potential members. The application can be used to record conversations with colleagues, capture attitudes and opinions on important local or state issues and to update critical contact information, such as cell phone numbers and non-work emails. The application will run on any smart phone, tablet or computer. Best of all, a corresponding application gives local affiliates complete control in setting up and managing worksite leader accounts. The application comes in two versions:

Video: Mobile Toolkit for Worksite Leaders

Video: Mobile toolkit for Worksite Leaders—Admin version

For more information on the Mobile Toolkit for Worksite Leaders, please contact Larry Doyle at

Member Engagement File Upload Tool

For those affiliates that use their own data systems for collecting information on member activism, AFT has developed a simple-to-use, web-based data upload form that can be used to upload data on member participation in union events and actions. The upload tool can be found at

Video: Member Engagement File Upload Tool

AFT is also developing a series of reports that will provide affiliates with a comprehensive view of their member engagement efforts and help locals leverage this information in ways that will help build a stronger union.

For more information or to request help in tracking member engagement data, please contact Larry Doyle at